As Saturday’s go, today is a little more relaxing than the last one, when I was in the middle of the Art Fair in Columbus Ohio.
I had to spend a little time excavating in the house on Monday—I knew the kitchen was underneath all that stuff!
There’s rarely any rest for the artist, especially when school is out, and this week I had to finish preparation for a workshop in Danville Indiana on Wednesday.
I made the boys, aka my workshop documentarians, pack up their self-entertainment bag the night before and we all got to bed early.
By eight o’clock we were dressed, fed, and on the road to Danville, art supplies in tow.
I had a wonderful few hours with an enthusiastic crew there, and it didn’t seem possible that it was time to go at noon.
Everyone was still poking away, and the boys were still playing Yu-gi-oh.
Or should I say oh-oh—they forgot to take pictures of the workshop!
So with apologies, I don’t have any nice pictures to show of the event.
I’m going to have to insert some of the needle felting work, one of the new Pieces of Life series, that I did in my own quiet moments during the week.
Anyway, things went so well that we’ve already scheduled another workshop for a Saturday in October to include the people who couldn’t attend Tuesday’s session.
And an alert to Pat and Nancy at
Sheep Street:
they have vowed to descend on your store to stock up on fleece and

My next big event was a reception for the ‘Touching Summer’ show I hung in Columbus Indiana last week.
Hotel Indigo, which is hosting the show, is such a vibrant place to have an art exhibit.
My hat is off to the Arts Council for their efforts to keep shows hanging without a brick and mortar home right now, with the Columbus Commons being rebuilt.
Hotel Indigo in Columbus is a fabulous arts space, with lots of light and color around.
It doesn’t feel like any conventional hotel that you might walk into.
The food was good, although they didn’t have the brownies necessary to hold the complete attention of the boys.
There was also a really nice full-page spread in the Columbus paper, The Republic, although it’s hidden behind a subscription firewall if you want to read it.
However, the big picture on the top of the page is
And I have a nice one from the reception that I’ve posted here.
I got home around eight, just in time for a beer and some interesting new swirly chips I found at Trader Joe’s on my trip through Indianapolis on our way home from the workshop in Danville.

you may think of me just as an arts diva, loving mom and Midwest traveler, but I have other roles as well.
On Friday, a deer snuck into our back yard.
It was making a calculated and cunning trek to the big bed of lilies in the middle, trying to look inconspicuous.
After last year, I know that if the deer mowed down the lilies, it would have been a crushing blow to my hubby, so I leapt into action.
I tried scolding, without effect, so I grabbed some pieces of wood by the door to pitch at the deer.
Still nothing but munch, munch munch.
I contemplated getting some pots and pans to try my ‘anti-bear in the campsite strategy’ that I learned in Canada, but I found that I just had to bring out my opera voice and add a few loud claps.
grandfather was a bass in the Czech opera, so I come by that honestly.
Anyway, that did the trick and the lilies are safe for now, and I was a hero when Jim came home.
Now do I get a pie?
Until next week…
Martina Celerin
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