The weather turned really cold last week, so it was time to think about summer.
That means flowers, travel to art fairs and fruit pies.
For the flowers I started working on some daffodils for my latest weaving.
It’s another piece that features rusty objects in the dirt.
This time a daffodil will shine above the cluttered soil.
I’ve also been working on a piece I’m calling ‘May’s Poppies’.
This brings to mind a spring ritual where we buy red poppy rosettes at May’s Greenhouse in the spring.
The plants that establish usually give us several years of grand red displays in the late spring.
We’re due for some vibrant color in the garden.
I’ve been working on
a big

bunch of poppy leaflets and last week I sprinkled them into my new steam presser (it’s used, but it’s new to me).
Instead of spending hours ironing individual leaves, I finished the whole job in two pressings.
I love it!
I combined the leaflets into leaves, which showed me that I was about ten leaflets short.
I have a little more work on that project but it’s coming along nicely.
While it may not be summery, I want to say that I did a bunch more fabric printing using the blocks I described

last time.
I cut up some more of Jim’s pants (hee hee) and pressed them with my new steam presser.
If I were a fifties housewife I’d feel badly about only pressing his pants after I surreptitiously pulled them out of the laundry basket and cut them up, but hey, I’m a modern woman.
I embellished the printed fabric sections with 3D fabric

paint to create some representational objects like flowers.
Then I went all Jackson Pollocky on them and drizzled paint on top of the prints.
I love projects where you get to play with paint.
So summer means art fairs, and it’s ti

me to start applying to art shows.
Jim and I went through all the Midwest shows to see which ones might work for us, and I have a list to apply to.
I should also mention that the applications for the Fourth Street Festival are available online (though Zapplications), so apply if you’d like to come to Bloomington this Labor day.
Or just come anyway

and see the great art!
Ohh, and I almost forgot—Jim went into a baking frenzy yesterday and surprised me with two loaves of bread, kluski, and a peach pie.
It didn’t fit into our dinner plans last night so I had to wait for breakfast to try a slice.
It was a little piece of summer heaven in January!
Back to last night—we were scurrying to get to the Ruth N. Halls theatre to see the
Contemporary Voices modern dance performance last night.
We went with Jacob’s friends Claire and Lara

(and Claire’s mom Karen) and everyone had a great time.
The boys even put on their "tuxes" for the occasion. The range of performances was awesome, from a troupe of pajama-clad college students sleeping on a couch (performed to Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) to a piece performed with only two performers and a mattress.
Next Friday the boys test for their brown belt with a white stripe (the first step on the way to a red belt), and the following week we’ll see Stomp! at the IU Auditorium.
I figure if we just keep really busy, summer will be here before we know it!
Until next week…
Martina Celerin
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