Halloween week started on a high note for me.
I drove my mother-in-law to the airport on Monday morning after a wonderful visit.
She headed back home to the pouting cats and falling leaves, both demanding her attention.
There was still fresh apple pie for a few days, but now that’s just a fond memory.
I threw myself into scarf-making one more time, bringing my inventory up to forty-two.
That’s the good news.
The less-good news is that I had to spend a little quality time with the iron to get them pressed into shape.
I shipped the first of my babies off to the
Holly Market in St. Joseph Michigan midweek.
Then I had two patrons stop by, one intending to look at scarves and one

just innocently coming by to pick up her son.
Five scarves went out the door, so I was back designing and felting a few more this weekend.
The sales would have called for a celebration dance all by itself, but I also sold two pieces from the
Bloomington Playwright Project show.
My ‘Transplant’ and ‘Among the Ferns’ are off to new homes!
What a great week for business!
There’s still time to see what’s left of the show until

Thursday of this week.
I’m also going to hang a show at the
John Waldron Art Center tomorrow, which you’re welcome to come see.
Even better, stop in at the reception this Friday, November 5, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The show is titled:
“Fiberology: a Study of Textures and Colors”, and I’d love to see you there.
If you can’t make it Friday, I’ll be in Columbus Indiana on Saturday the sixth at the
Déjà Vu show at the Yes Cinema on the corner of Fourth

and Jackson.
In other art news, this week marked the beginning of the end of an era.
The weather turned warm enough to allow urethane varnish to cure, so I finally got to seal the four giant BEAD panels.
These are the pieces assembled by the fairgoers at last year’s Fourth Street Festival and have been sitting in my living room all winter, spring and summer.
I’ll gave them one more coat of varnish yesterday and will send them off to their new home in City Hall.
At least I hope so—I expect I might have to remind them that they agreed to hang the BEAD panels there.
You might not be able to fight City Hall, but I think you can persuade them to display art.
I’ve got to run—it’s Halloween day, and there’s lots to sort out.
I’ve got

the candy hidden (I hope) for tonight and the kids have a friend over.
The pumpkins are carved and the costumes are ready, but I need to press more a few more scarves and I hope to lay out a couple more.
Can’t. Stop. Working!
The boys have been off from school for four straight days thanks to fall break, which means the house is a disaster and I’m feeling the pressure to get everything re-set for a new week of school, meetings and adventures.
I also hear it’s

traditional to make pumpkin pie—I’ll have to be sure Jim knows!
Until next week…
Martina Celerin
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