This week carried me away from my brain and my weekly routine. My family and I spent a delightful week in Michigan, complete with a rhubarb pie (sorry, no picture—the camera was on holiday as well). The weather was unusually warm in Michigan so we got to do plenty of outdoor activities without ever needing our snow boots. Jacob did some archery and worked on training with his three-sectioned staff, while Tommie and Jim went fishing off the pier at Tawas. They came home with a cooler full of small perch that made a very tasty fish fry. Jacob, Gramma and I had a delightful afternoon scouring the local consignment shops for wool sweaters. I’m stocking up now for making sweater petals and other fall season art pieces, and I was fortunate enough to come home with eighteen sweaters over a range of colors. I felted them in the washing machine and put them into storage to discover again in the fall. We also got to do a plenty of family things, like bowling, ping pong and a nice dinner with the Gibsons and Aunt Lois.
While it’s true that I spent a week apart from my brain, that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t still chipping away at my art projects. If you’re not up to speed, I’m working on one of the 22 giant brains that will be part of the brain extravaganza project, spearheaded by Jill Bolte-Taylor. They will be on display around town before going on tour next year. I learned that mine, which depicts bipolarism, will be on display at the Herman Wells library on campus sometime after April 7th. There will first be a big extravaganza where all the brains come together for a conference before splitting up. I don’t know where that will be, but I’ll post any new information on my blog and on Facebook when I know more. My brain is coming together nicely, and on the trip to Michigan I completed all the artwork for the euphoric side. On Monday I’ll head to Stone Belt and attach the new butterflies.
The drive home from Michigan was really amazing this year. With a week of unseasonably warm weather, we left winter behind and drove into spring. When we got to southern Indiana we started to see forsythia and magnolia trees in full blossom. Magnolias remind me of my father, who liked to say that they always bloomed (in the Czech Republic) on his birthday, which is April 30th . The magnolias do have a certain flair for the dramatic and colorful, which fit his personality very well. While Jim drove us home I started working on couple of turtle shells that will find their way into my next weaving. I’m not sure if it will have a painted or a box turtle, so I made one shell of each shape. I’m planning on having elm branches hanging over the turtle, which might be because when we were in Michigan I was thinking about the emerald elm borer. I’ve also been thinking about mushrooms, which will make it into a weaving, but might not make it into the turtle piece. I do know it’s time to let go of the brain project and start making art pieces for the summer shows. With a week of eighty degree days ahead it should be easy to get into the spirit!
Until next week…
Martina Celerin
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